Links and Books

This page changes from time to time. It is worth it to check in and see what’s been added!


Rodale’s Basic Organic Gardening: A Beginner’s Guide - By Deborah Martin. We know so much now about how food affects mental health it only makes sense to grow some of your own food, and to grow it as healthily as you can. Organic gardening is a well developed concept that shows us how to do this without toxic chemicals and how to manage pests at the same time. A good book for anyone who plans to garden - large or small scale.

Food Rules: An Eater’s Manual - by Michael Pollan. Not a diet. Not a weight loss program. Not a fanatical set of things to do with your food. Just a simple little book full of “rules” for eating real food by the famous Michael Pollan. This book is easy to read and entertaining. Read it with your family.

Steal Like an Artist- by Austin Kleon. Art, doing art, sharing art, looking at art, appreciating art, talking about art is all so important to the wellbeing of our souls. Art can be so many things. Some art ends up on a napkin and some art ends up in the Smithsonian. And most art fills the giant space in between. And most art is never seen by another person. Austin Kleon picked the best title ever for this book - Steal Like an Artist - and I’ll bet you are thinking, “What! Real artists don’t steal!” So. Read this little book, over and over so you can banish the fears that go with “doing” art and see what Austin meant by “steal.”


How to Make a Zine - Austin Kleon writes a great blog and has a great personality. He loves zines! I love them too! This video is Austin teaching us how to make a zine and explaining how, then, you can write/draw anything you want in them. Do this yourself and do this with your kids! Have fun!!

John Muir Laws - John Muir Laws - yes that is really his name - has many, bunches, scads, of YouTube videos about drawing nature, Painting with watercolor, drawing owls, rocks, plants, and lots of other things, and about nature journaling. And his personality is great!! He’s famous! Check him out.

Young Minds - A website about Autism for young people, but actually also for parents of these young people and anyone who has a friend who is Autistic. I like that this is a simple site with very credible information delivered in a friendly and valid way.